Bachelor’s apartment: the principles of arrangement.

If you are not married and have your own apartment, our article is for you. Why is private property? Because if you live in rented accommodation, the owner will hardly allow you to make a grand overhaul, if you divide the area with parents (which is worse), to name such a house a house of a bachelor is hard, most likely, this is a standard space of aged people, which is settled in accordance with their wishes.

Our paper is for modern, energetic, successful representatives of the strong half of humanity, that meanwhile(!) are focused exclusively on the job, their own development and interests. Therefore, the interior of the house of the man must be brutal, very specific, reflecting the interests and hobbies of its inhabitant.

1. Furniture
If man — is really a bachelor, it means he loves freedom, hence its space should be as free and spacious as possible. The minimum number of parts, components and furniture — the main principle of such housing.

2. Decor
Decorating bachelor’s apartment better with those things he enjoys. For example, the collection of arms, paintings, musical instruments or sports equipment (bicycle, motorcycle). In general, all that is part of man’s inner world.

3. Color
As for color preferences, most often — it is dark tones: brown, coffee, gray, black and ruddy. In the men’s interior mainly dominate neutral and muted hues.

4. Bar
The apartment in which lives an unmarried man, presupposes the frequent presence of friends. Therefore, the presence of a bar in this area is necessary.

5. Gadgets
In the apartment of a real man must be present most current gadgets. It’s not about smart phones and personal devices, and those devices that help in the organization of everyday life. One of these assistants is a door lock August Smart Lock, which can be controlled by a smartphone and a special mobile application.

6. Entertainment
Modern bachelor’s housing involves frequent presence of friends. All these people have something to do.