House Designs Single Floor Philippines

It is not necessary to think that one-storage constructions from a brick it is worse, than two-storage. The fashionable architecture, ideal design and more improvements can distinguish the one-storey house from neighbour’s two-storeyed houses which are built without taste. Except all advantages which are told above the House Designs Single Floor Philippines owns still some:

It is much easier to build the one-storage house and quicker, than huge two-storage;

The technology of construction is much simpler;

Lack of a ladder is very big plus. It will help you to forget about the danger connected with small children and elderly residents of the house;

You should not build the powerful base which is used for big houses, actually, at the same time you will spend less forces too;

It is much more economy of electricity, gas, water

Probably, the most popular houses which build is houses of bricks. Building the house of a brick, you do not stuff your head with warming and finishing of the house. Just construct a box, insert windows and doors. But it is impossible to say that the house from a brick is easy in construction because it is necessary to use many construction materials that say that it is necessary to spend a lot of money.

Houses which are built in the American style are simple and practical. Americans thought up simple and unique house at the same time. Such houses are built both from a brick or wood, and from other materials . The beautiful yard with a set of scenery, one-storage lodge, lawn around and a small fence — all this things present in the house in American style.

Wooden houses are good in the fact that they do not harm the environment and the inhabitants. At the same time they are very simple in construction and not expensive. It is necessary just to buy a bar to build the wooden house,build the base and begin to build. Houses from a bar recently became very popular. But there are troubles in it too. Watch closely when you choosing a bar for such house it can began to decay. It is clear, that if to build the house and in it there will be at least one rotten beam — the others will begin to decay.

Houses with a penthouse

The penthouse is some kind of balcony. Such houses are very beautiful and convenient. They can be constructed both of the wood and of a brick. The penthouse is very convenient option of the house. It is possible to make one more room overlooking the open sky. In the warm summer evening, admiring the sky which is filled up with stars — you will understand all pluses of a penthouse.