Diy Sewing Room Organization Ideas

If you work as the tailor or the seamstress, existence of own sewing room can be the excellent place for quiet operation, storage of the equipment or receiving inspiration for projects. Whereas sewing rooms can be highly personalized, good sewing rooms have to be perfectly organized. Therefore, it is necessary to think over carefully your requirements, the available spaces and storage.

Diy Sewing Room Organization Ideas

Decide what room you will use. The office or a free bedroom will be ideal under the sewing room. Though the room also should not be huge, be convinced that it rather spacious for storage of things, and also for sewing or a desk.

If you cannot allocate the whole room under sewing, adapt for this purpose a part of other room. The bedroom, an office, the general room or even a closet can have sewing accessories.

Adapting the place in other room, solve whether to leave it open or to divide space under separate needs.

Make sure that in the chosen place there is an easy access to the power supply network for your equipment, lamps or the computer.

Define what equipment and furniture you wish to install in the sewing room

The old computer table will be ideal for a sewing table. You can also use a dresser for storage. Decide what large objects you want to see in the room, for example, an ironing table or a sofa.

If you have not enough space, try to use things which would save the place. For example, you can park the sewing machine on a table, and use boxes under storage.

Do not forget to leave the place for storage of garbage, waste and cuttings.

Draw the plan of the chosen room or site

Add the equipment and objects from the second step there. It can be such things as a table for the sewing machine, a small sofa, an ironing table, storage and regiments.

Do not forget to add bookcases and wall shelves. Construction companies can help you with installation of custom storage, or you can buy a case organizer and establish it.

Prepare the place for cut, for sewing and for ironing. Place these areas in a working triangle to maximize efficiency when you move about the room.

If you have a big room, placement of a workplace in the center of the room will allow you to work from all directions.

Place the equipment and furniture according to the drawn plan

Begin with wall storage, and then add a written or sewing table and portable storage.

At installation of the machine equipment and lamps do not forget about electric sockets. Make sure that you should not use carryings about which you can stumble. If you use the extender, buy the surge protector to prevent possible damages of the equipment.

The room has to be well clarified. Light can proceed from windows. A set of local light sources will also be necessary for you for projects. You will need several directed lamps for specific objectives.